Pure water is the world's first and foremost medicine.
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Drop of Life is aimed at spreading awareness about the clean water crisis plaguing our world today. Clean water is most often lacking in rural areas and areas of poverty. Water that is not easily accessible prevents many people, especially girls, from getting an education and rising out of poverty; often, this water is also unsafe to consume. The bacteria in the water causes major health concerns, especially for young children.

Our team is a group of young students committed to making a differences in our communities and globally. We were inspired to speak up about this after learning about human rights and the struggles of other people in a myriad of different countries. People's lack of such a basic necessity, clean water, stood out among these issues. Whether because of pollution or a lack of sanitation, disease-causing water is a major issue for many families. We resolved to make a difference by sharing with others information about the clean water crisis.

Shana R.


Phoebe C.


Sophie C.

Website Developer